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  7. Yoshihiko AKAKABE, and Tadahiko KAJIWARA: Bioactive volatile compounds from marine algae: feeding attractants, In “Proceedings of the 19th International Seaweed Symposium”, 211-214, 2007.
  8. Takao KOEDUKA, Kenji MATSUI, Yosihiko AKAKABE, Tadahiko KAJIWARA: Molecular characterization of rice alpha-oxygenase: A comparison with mammalian prostaglandin H synthases, In “Proceedings of the 15t International Symposium on Plant Lipids”, pp 12-17, 2003.
  9. Yoshihiko AKAKABE, Kenji MATSUI, and Tadahiko KAJIWARA: Alpha-oxidation in marine algae, Proceedings of International Commemorative Symposium 70th Anniversary of the Japanese society of Fisheries Science, 1383-1385, 2002.