1. Qualification

    Members and persons recommended by Members may contribute.

  2. Manuscript

    Only unpublished manuscript may be submitted. A manuscript previously presented orally or a revised version of a published paper must be noted as such.

    The Journal accepts either articles or research notes. Articles should contain new knowledge with originality. Research notes may include preliminary source materials with documentary value, field reports, brief communications and exploratory researches.

    Manuscripts can be of any length. Authors must indicate which category the paper is being submitted. A final decision of the amount and the category on publication, however, shall be made by the editorial committee.

  3. Languages

    Only manuscripts written in Japanese or English may be accepted.

  4. Romanization

    Characters are romanized except for Japanese and Amharic letters. If romanization is needed, for Japanese romanization a consistent method should be used, while for Amharic the romanization of Encyclopaedia Aethiopica is used, as well as the International Phonetic Alphabet.

  5. References

    All and only the works cited either in the body or in footnotes are listed at the end of the manuscript. Books, journals and articles should be written in the following form.

    Books and journals:
    author(s) or editor(s), year of publication, title[*1], place of publication, publisher[*2]
    [*1] Italic or underlined.
    [*2] Publishing company or research institute.
    author(s), year of publication, “title”[*1], journal or book[*2], volume, page(s)
    [*1] Quoted by “…”
    [*2] Italic or underlined.
  6. Submission

    Manuscripts should be submitted only in digital format (MS Word or LaTeX). Printed forms may not be accepted. A PDF file should be submitted with a MS Word file or a LaTeX source file. Any submitted manuscript should be formatted in accordance with the stylesheet, templates and the latest articles available from the website.

    Authors submit them to the email address indicated in the website. Name(s) of the author(s), affiliations and status, and category of the paper should be indicated in the body of the email rather than the body of the manuscript.

  7. Abstract

    Each submitted manuscript includes an English abstract following the instruction of the stylesheet and templates. Abstracts are approximately three hundred words in length.

  8. Acceptance

    Two anonymous peer reviewers evaluate each submitted manuscript. The editorial committee will determine whether the manuscript is accepted for publication based on the judgement of the reviewers.

  9. Publication

    Accepted manuscripts are published online, on the World Wide Web, as downloadable PDF files.

  10. Illustrations

    Authors are responsible for obtaining any permission needed to publish their illustrations online.

March 25, 2018